2013 was a rough one for us. We took on massive tasks, work too many hours, neglected important relationships and pioneered and moved forward with a naïve disregard for some very obvious basics that should have been I’m place. We confused “doing more” with “getting better”. During the holiday I took some time to consider […]
Archive | Leadership
Theory never wins
February 26, 2013 in Leadership
If you know me, the title of this post should make you wonder if i have developed a split personality of sorts. I am the guy who loves theory. I want to understand and explain things. I want to summarise, simplify and condense concepts. The thought of talking in front of people excites me, because it […]
How to start a movement
April 20, 2010 in Leadership
How to start a movement. Very interesting perspective on leadership and following. I love how leadership is “over glorified” and that “It is not about the leader anymore” A leader needs the guts to stand out and be ridiculed. The leader must embrace the first follower as an equal. It’s not about the leader any […]