Facing death sounds like such a morbid, taboo topic. Something we choose to not talk about. Rather ignore and wish away. We like to talk about life, opportunity, dreams and ideas. But somehow, death does not really fit into this conversation so well. It is however the one thing that we all have in common. […]
Tag Archives | life

Interested = Interesting
June 21, 2010 in Uncategorized
This is so obvious, but it is so easy to miss. I love spending time with people who are interested in what i do and who i am – makes me want to spend more time with them, because they seem so interesting! The trick is to reciprocate with people i meet and make them […]

Family, friends & business
May 4, 2010 in Relationships
There is an old mantra that has been professed as a non negotiable rule to business. “Never do business with family or friends” I am challenging this mantra with everything inside of me! RiseUp Bakeries is a business started by myself and my father. We work closely together on a daily basis doing presentations, discussing […]