How to start a movement.
Very interesting perspective on leadership and following. I love how leadership is “over glorified” and that “It is not about the leader anymore”
- A leader needs the guts to stand out and be ridiculed.
- The leader must embrace the first follower as an equal.
- It’s not about the leader any more.
- The first follower is an under estimated form of leadership in itself.
- The first follower transforms a lone nut into a leader.
- 3 is a crowd and a crowd is news.
- Movement must be public.
- New followers emulate the followers, not the leader.
- The tipping point occurs.
- The more people that join in the less risk there is.
If you have never seen TED Talks. Go check it out!
Thanks Tyrone for the link and typing everything…
Hi iaan, what a great way of looking at it and how right was that example, but more importantly, how right is that in life…
I like the bit where all of the sudden it’s not cool to not be in the “in-crowd”, the tipping point… good one!
Absolutely love that! Have you read Tipping Point by Malcolm Gladwell?