The Following was published on entrepreneuradvocate:
Someone asked me earlier today what advice I would give to a new or would be entrepreneur. I couldn’t pick just one so I listed six:
1. Don’t listen to haters. If they don’t get it, they don’t get it. You don’t need them to validate your vision.
2. An idea is just an idea: Pride yourself on execution.
3. Support entrepreneurs and they will support you back.
4. If you don’t love every second of it. Give up now.
5. Put more into it than you expect to get out.
6. Find your own narrative and own it.
Top of my head. I’d love hear to all your own personal “rules.”
I love this post! I would add the following “rules” of my own:
- It’s not about the money.
- Relationships are more important than ideas.
- Make sure your definition of success allows you to be happy once you achieve it.
- Solving problems qualify you to achieve greatness.
- It’s never “only business”.
- Surround yourself with people who inspire and encourage you.
- It’s easy to be negative – challenge yourself to always find the positive.
- Never not do something because no one has tried it before.
- Never not do something because someone has done it before and failed.
- The “ends” or the “means” don’t justify each other. The “means” over time = “ends”
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