I was part of a conversation this weekend where someone referred to the photography industry as “cut throat”. Amongst all the things mentioned in a conversation long enough to fill a drama soapy series, this was the one part that stood out neck above the rest (please excuse the pun).
Immediately, the thought of someone slitting the throat of another for the sole purpose of selfish gain came to mind. The more this picture played over and over in my mind (I have watched the movie 300 a few times, so the scene is quite impressive) the more i thought of the implications:
- The only way to win is to get rid of everyone else
- Trust no one
- Helping others is foolish (and is assisting with your own demise)
- Anyone better than you is a threat
- The more people enter the industry, the lower your chances of survival are
- Anyone showing any form of growth is a threat
With this in the back of your mind, try and build a business where your aim is to serve, help, teach, grow, learn, improve and love. Impossible! Your only concern must be survival. How sad.
Do you think that by looking differently at an industry and the people who are part of it that your experience of the industry might be different?
How about turning it around. Start acting like the industry is an amazing opportunity to meet/grow/learn with other people (not connections or likes or “friends” or follows). Real people. With dreams, hopes, aspirations, passions and emotions – many of which are quite similar to yours. Looking at any industry like this will cause us to act different. This is how you change an industry.
Less throat cutting. More learning, sharing and loving.
This was an amazing post Iaan. It really helps people think about the industry and how to gain from one another other than stomping over each other. We can learn from each other and share out of experiences.
Like my friend Jack Johnson says, “It’s always better when we’re together” 😀
What an amazing post Iaan, really good! Well done….
Thanks Christo!
Thanx for this post Iaan, I agree! By doing the right thing you will be rewarded, there is a market for everyone! There will always be someone higher up in the industry and someone below, helping those below, will help you up 🙂